It is spring and I am always excited to plant things, and the most satisfying place to plant things for me is in my garden.  It is exciting for me to go out before a  meal and pick all of the home grown ingredients for a salad or to make delicious home made salsa.  I found some ideas on ways to improve my garden soil and ways to test my soil so hopefully I can grow bigger, tastier vegetables this year. Who knows the state fair might be in my future!

Do a home soil test

  • In a glass pint jar
  • Add 2 cups of soil, and fill with water
  • Add 1/2 cup of powdered dishwasher detergent
  • Shake and watch for the layers settled
  • After 1 minute what is settled is sand
  • After 2 hours what is settled is silt
  • After 2 days what is settled is clay
  • If you have 3 defined layers you have a good balance of dirt.

Test your soil drainage

Dig a 12″ hole and fill it with water, Allow it to drain, immediately refill it with water if it does not drain completely within 1 hour you need to add sand and other compost to your soil for improved drainage.

Add Compost

The cheapest way to repair garden soil is to add  compost.  An easy method to remember for composting is to add 2 parts green to 1 part brown and then you have to mix the soil regularly. This explained to me why my leaves or grass clippings do not compost on their own.  When adding ingredients to your compost pile make sure that there is no oils or animal products on your kitchen waste or it will halt the compost process.  The more diverse the ingredients in your compost pile the more nutrients it will add to your soil.